12 Vitamin C Enriched Foods

Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid has many health benefits. It is used for the treatment of common cold, boosting immune system, lowering hyper tension, curing cataracts, cancer treatments, healing of wounds, asthma control and also skin care treatments. Here are some foods that have more Vitamin C than oranges.

chilli pepper.jpgHalf a cup of chilli peppers contain 10.78 mg of Vitamin C

Benefit:  Relieves joint & muscle pain

red bell pepper.jpgA cup of chopped red bell pepper has 190 mg of Vitamin C

Benefit:  Promotes eye health

green bell pepper.jpg

A cup of chopped green bell pepper has 120 mg of Vitamin C

Benefit:  A rich source of fibre

kale.jpgOne cup of Kale provides 80.4 mg of Vitamin C

Benefit:  Rich in fibre and many nutrients

Broccoli.jpgA Broccoli has 132 mg of Vitamin C

Benefit:  Prevents from Cancer

pappaya.jpgOne cup of papaya contains 88.3 mg Vitamin C

Benefit:  Clears sinuses, brightens your skin & strengthens bones

Strawberries.jpgA cup of Strawberries contains 84.7 mg of Vitamin C

Benefit:  Promotes heart health and whitens your teeth

Cauliflower.jpgA small head of cauliflower gives 127.7 mg of Vitamin C

Benefit:  Fibre & proteins

Brussels Sprouts.jpgAlso known as miniature cabbages the brussels sprouts contain 74.8 mg of Vitamin C

Benefit:  Cancer preventing phyto-nutrients

Pineapple.jpgOne pineapple contains 78.9 mg of Vitamin C

Benefit:  Acts as a natural anti-inflammatory

kiwi.jpgAbout 2 fruits contain 137.2 mg of Vitamin C

Benefit:  Rich in potassium and copper

mango.jpgOne cup of mango contains 60.1 mg of Vitamin C

Benefit:  Increases immunity and keeps eyes healthy

Now that you know there are so many options for you to add that Vitamin C in your body, go on and explore your taste buds!

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